Sales Tax on Seminar Sales

The Issue: The states are all short on funds with the current condition of the economy. As a result, they are aggressively going after any business that makes sales in their state and has not been collecting sales tax. One of my friends recently found this out the...

As a Man Thinketh, so He Lowereth His Taxes

One of the great books of all time is “How a Man Thinketh” by James Allen. The premise of this book is that we will do according as we think. And we will never do something that is not first a part of our thought process. Allen says, “All that a man...

How to Treat Expenses from Stock Trading

Many clients of ProVision have chosen as their preferred growth asset category stock and option trading. When done properly and with the right set of systems, this category and be very lucrative. We have clients who are doing as well as 7-10% per month on their...

Could Your Tax Plan Harm Your Family?

We all know how important reducing taxes can be for our family finances, especially in these difficult times. But are some tax strategies better than others? Are there some that can provide benefits to our children for generations to come while others may actually...