So let's discuss how to build a strategy. Once you know what you want to accomplish and your current situation, you are ready to create your plan. The next step is to figure out what has to happen right before you succeed. That's right, don't think about the next thing you have to do. Think backwards from the result you want to achieve.

So let's take my goal of building my house in Park City. What has to happen right before I have my first housewarming party to celebrate the completion of the house. Every time we set a goal, we should set up a celebration for accomplishing the goal. In this case, it will be a grand housewarming party. For my goal of a size 32 waist, the celebration will be, of course, shopping for new clothes. For my goal of a 2:45 triathlon, my celebration will be a nice dinner at my favorite restaurant, Ruth's Chris.

Planning on celebrating brings a lot of joy to the plan. Let's say you want to lose weight. That's a very difficult challenge and not one that most of us look forward to. So the celebration is critical to keep us motivated. My housewarming party will include my family and my close friends and what could be better than a house full of the people you love?

Next we will talk about how to look at the step before the celebration and the step before that until we get to where we are now.

We will talk again soon. Until then, remember that your financial freedom is closer than you think.

Warmest regards,
