For those of you keeping track, last weekend was my triathlon in Rocky Point, Mexico. My goal was to improve my time by 30 minutes. A pretty aggressive goal. Most of this was to come from the run portion. My good news to report is that I did trim substantial time off my run (about 20 minutes), despite my lack of run training. While not meeting my goal, it went a long way towards my goal and I hope to get the additional 10 minutes off my run by my next triathlon. I attribute most of my run success to the socks that I got from These are amazing socks that provide tremendous ankle and foot support. My gimpy ankle was just fine after the 10k run. Amazing!
The bad news is that my swim and bike were slow this time. I'm not sure why, but I am sure that I need to pick up my training and I need to get a strategist. I believe a strategist will not only help me set goals and be accountable, but will give me advice on how to better train and how to race better.
I think I was a little worried that I might run out of gas on the run if I pushed the swim or the bike too hard. This goes to the mental part of racing. I simply don't know enough about my body and what to expect (how I should be feeling during each part of the race). A strategist would be extremely helpful in this regard and I found one while mingling with the other triathletes in Rocky Point.
Of course, wealth building is very similar to triathlon training. We have to set goals, be accountable, and continue to focus on what we are trying to accomplish. We also need a strategist. You have heard me say it before, but I'm saying it again anyway. A wealth strategist should help you with the mental aspects of wealth as well as giving you advice, providing accountability, and helping you set goals.
I am pretty anxious to get started with my triathlon strategist. I suggest you get started with your wealth strategist.
Warmest regards,