Many people have million dollar ideas. They believe their new product or service will make them rich and that all their dreams will come true. The problem is, most people do not know how to turn their million-dollar idea into millions of dollars.

Why? Because most people went to school to learn to be employees, not entrepreneurs.

That’s why most people are told, “Go to school and get a job.” You never hear, “Go to school and learn to create jobs,” which is what successful entrepreneurs do.

Most people go to school to learn to work for money, a steady paycheck. Few people learn to create money, so that they never need a paycheck. If you read Rich Dad Poor Dad, you may recall that rich dad’s Lesson #1 is, “The rich don’t work for money.” Entrepreneurs understand that lesson well and they find ways to put money to work for them and build assets that deliver both cash flow and equity.

David, Goliath and Pee Wee

There are three distinct types of entrepreneurs in the world: Davids, Goliaths, and Pee Wee Hermans.

Goliaths are entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, Inc., one of the richest companies in America. Other goliaths are Larry Ellison, founder of Oracle, Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, Thomas Edison, founder of General Electric, Richard Branson founder of Virgin, and Walt Disney founder of The Walt Disney Company.

An important point to keep in mind is that all of these Goliaths started as Pee Wee Hermans.

Another important point is that they were all, once, Davids. Davids who took on Goliaths in a battle for the top spot. The movie Pirates of Silicon Valley is about young guns Bill Gates and Steve Jobs taking on the Goliaths, IBM and Xerox. The movie explains how Bill Gates “stole” the PC business from mainframe giant IBM and Steve Jobs “stole” what would become the mouse and the Macintosh from Xerox. Pirates of Silicon Valley is a must-see for Pee Wees and Davids, little guys with the courage to take on giants… and, possibly, one day becoming Goliaths themselves.

Not all Davids are Goliath killers. Some Pee Wees become Goliaths by inventing products that change the world. For example, Thomas Edison went from Pee Wee to David to Goliath when he invented the electric light bulb, an invention that led to the creation of General Electric.

Mark Zuckerberg started as Pee Wee in his dorm room at Harvard, working on Facebook. He became David when he expanded Facebook from Harvard to other college campuses and then became Goliath when he took Facebook to the world.

If you know you’re a Pee Wee with your inner David looking to topple Goliath, now’s the time to start.

Who can you trust?

Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, has his trusted advisors. But he didn’t always have them at his side. It was only because of painful experiences that he learned who he could trust and who he had to let go.

Robert, and his wife Kim, trusted people who were crooks (literally!). They had to break apart business partnerships with people they considered their friends. They even worked with people they thought were equal partners but were then stunned to receive an invoice once the project ended!

You don’t have to make the same mistakes.

Along with his trusted advisors, Robert wrote one of the most important books he’s ever written, More Important Than Money.

This collaborative project isn’t like Rich Dad Poor Dad. Unlike Robert and the advisors’ other books, More Important Than Money gets behind the reasons why Robert’s team does what they do.

Discover why your team — not your skills, knowledge or experience—are your greatest asset.

Grab a copy here.