I get a lot of questions from seminar participants about building a wealth team. For example, I was recently asked the following:
Is there a particular on-line brokerage firm that you recommend?
Do you recommend using any particular stock advisory newsletter?
These seem like simple enough questions. But without knowing your personal wealth strategy, I would be remiss in making a recommendation. Why? Because it will depend on how you want to invest. Assuming you want to invest in the stock market, how do you want to invest? Does you want to invest in mutual funds or other funds or do you intend to trade in options? These questions should be answered as part of a well-conceived wealth strategy.
I would submit that these are the perfect questions for a wealth strategist. Your wealth strategies knows and hopefully even helped devise your wealth strategy. They should be able to either give you a specific recommendation or help you find the best answer for you.
Warmest regards,