Give More and You Get More

For Christmas, my wife, Rosie, gave me tickets to the Elton John/Billy Joel concert. Last night was the big event. Rosie and I expected a good show – it's always good to see great performers. We weren't expecting the amazing show these two put on last night....

Do You Know Your Life’s Purpose?

Pretty deep question, huh? And likely the most important question we can ever ask ourselves. If we don't know our life's purpose, how do we know what we should do on a daily basis? I talk a lot about vision (as in ProVision). We can take this a lot deeper than vision...

The Key to Success is Context, not Content

The first thing I remember learning from Robert Kiyosaki when I first met him years ago was the concept of context vs. content. Robert uses a glass to illustrate this concept. The glass represents the context while what goes into the glass is the content. Until you...

How Serious are You about Your Dream?

I had the opportunity to speak to the MAP trading group yesterday in Sacramento. These people are serious about trading in the stock market. 40 of their roughly 100 members gathered to participate in 3 hours of discussion regarding how to reduce their taxes. Of the...

How are Your Goals and Resolutions Coming?

It's mid-February and perhaps time to review the goals and resolutions we made on New Year's Day. It's so easy to forget them and get caught up in our daily life. And if we have broken a resolution, it's easy to discard it and say we will try again next year. I look...

What Should I do about my 401(k)?

Recently, I have been doing interviews on radio stations around the country. With the downturn in the stock market, every radio show host asks me the same question – What should i do about my 401(k)? Should I continue putting money into my 401(k)? What if my...

How to Stay Positive in a Depressed Economy

Every time I turn on the news or pick up a newspaper, there is article after article about the sorry state of our economy and how much people are hurting. It's so depressing I hate to even look. And it's just going to get worse over the next few years. Yet, this is...