Is Legally Lowering Your Taxes Ethical?

We received an interesting email from a long-time client today. She asked to be removed from our email list (though stay as a client) because she does not like our emphasis on reducing taxes. She feels that by helping you lower your taxes, we “help eviscerate...

Is It Too Late to Save Taxes for 2007?

Here we are less than a month from the due date of tax returns. Most of you are scrambling to get your information together for your accountant. You hope the tax bite is not too big this year – that you won't have a big tax payment due on April 15th. You wonder,...

How Do I Find the Right Tax Advisor?

This is the time of year when all Americans think about their tax situation and what they might do differently to reduce their heavy tax burden. There is a record of an ancient civilization that was required to pay 50% of their earnings to their captors. They...


Opposition is necessary in order for us to grow. If we want to build muscles, we must provide opposition to muscle movements, i.e., weights. If we want to build our spirit, we must work to overcome the challenges that might cause us to shrink. Our mothers referred to...

How Good are your Metrics?

Friday morning, as usual, I got up and weighed myself first thing. The scale read 171 lbs. Good news, right? This meant I was 4 lbs closer to my target of 165. I had a pretty good weekend (eating wise) and Monday morning was anxious to weigh myself so I could report...

Pigheaded Determination and Strategy

What do you do when you have setbacks? Do you give up? Do you keep going? Do you buckle down and work even harder? Do you change tactics? My weight is not coming down at all. But every day I weigh myself and I think about my goals frequently throughout the day. I have...

How Committed Are You?

So just how committed are you to achieving your goals? Will you do whatever it takes to accomplish them? What if you have a hiccup in your plans and take a step backwards – will you quit or keep going? These questions apply equally to any goal we set. I find a...