The Happiness in Gratitude

The great question of the world is, “How do I find happiness?” Some people seem to think happiness comes from material possessions. Others seem to think it comes from fame. Still others believe it comes from love and family. While there can be very happy...


Opposition is necessary in order for us to grow. If we want to build muscles, we must provide opposition to muscle movements, i.e., weights. If we want to build our spirit, we must work to overcome the challenges that might cause us to shrink. Our mothers referred to...

How Good are your Metrics?

Friday morning, as usual, I got up and weighed myself first thing. The scale read 171 lbs. Good news, right? This meant I was 4 lbs closer to my target of 165. I had a pretty good weekend (eating wise) and Monday morning was anxious to weigh myself so I could report...

Pigheaded Determination and Strategy

What do you do when you have setbacks? Do you give up? Do you keep going? Do you buckle down and work even harder? Do you change tactics? My weight is not coming down at all. But every day I weigh myself and I think about my goals frequently throughout the day. I have...

How Committed Are You?

So just how committed are you to achieving your goals? Will you do whatever it takes to accomplish them? What if you have a hiccup in your plans and take a step backwards – will you quit or keep going? These questions apply equally to any goal we set. I find a...

Goal Setting – What Are You Waiting For?

It's December 31, 2007. The last day of the year and the eve of the new year. Time for some serious goal setting. My wife reminded me yesterday that I haven't always liked goals. Maybe some of you are the same. I didn't like goals because I felt they constrained me....

Setting Wealth (and Weight) Goals

I continue to get many comments about my weight tracking and goals. I mentioned a few of them previously, but here are a few more. My next triathlon is set for May 3rd in Rocky Point, Mexico. That is the date for my weight loss goal (down to 165 lbs) and my waist goal...

Why Reporting = More $$$

I mentioned on Monday that one of the secrets to weight loss is stepping on the scale each morning. The information you receive from the scale is critical to monitoring your weight loss progress. Similarly, getting the proper data about your financial situation is...